Just read a very fun book that is part of a new series for
kids that love starter chapter books, “A Pack-n-Go Girls Adventure” book. This
was the first in the series called Mystery of the Ballerina Ghost. The book was
short and sweet and packed with mystery. I read the book in one sitting, and I
hardly do that with any book, unless there are wonderful pictures which this
has. Very entertaining. But the Two things that I liked most about this was
first: the author did her homework. This story took place in Austria, not
Australia. Just reading this book I learned a lot about Austria, and a little
German as well. Second: When you are finished reading the story, the book isn't
finished teaching you . It is crammed with facts about Austria, traveling tips,
weather advisories, what you should expect to eat while visiting, and much
more. If I was traveling to Austria, this is the book I would want my kids to
read on the plane trip over. I can’t say enough about this new series. This is definitely
a series I will follow.
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