Submit Your Book

I like all books, but I prefer children's books, picture books, chapter books. No adult books. If you would like to submit you book for a free review, here is what you do. Email me at give me a summary of your book, along with genre, age of intended audience, # of pages and where I can find  the book online. Very simple. Then I will write you back via email and let you know if I will review the book or not.

If I say yes...

Send me a free copy of your book. If you would like your book back, send along with the book a self addressed, postage paid envelope or something to send it back in with postage paid. If you don't want the book back, then I will donate the book to a public library so your book can get more free exposure. I will email you the address.

If I say no...

Please don't take it personally. It's not you, it's me. I most likely said no because I have no time. After all I am a teacher and an Author. I can't spend all my time reading books!

If I like your book...

I will write a review about it on my blog, post a picture of your book and make a link so people can buy the book like an Amazon link. If your book is for sale on, I will also leave a review/rating on that as well.

If I don't like it...

I am a kind person and will find the positive side of your book and manage to give you a nice review. I am an Author, so I know how hard it is to get a good free review for your books. But if your book is simply unbearable, I will send it back (free of charge) ripped into a million pieces and a check to reimburse you for the book. Just kidding. I will send it back and tell you not to quit your day job.

What is the catch???

You may be wondering why I would provide a free service. Well just like you, I would like a book review or something out of this. Review my book(s) on, or make a link from your site to this one or something to show some kind of appreciation. I will not double check to make sure you did your part of this deal, I will only use the honor system and trust that you have the integrity and courtesy to give me a review right back.

Thank you for your interest and good luck in your endeavors.
Stephen Zanzucchi

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